School Profile

AMNS International School (Earlier known as Essar International School) affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education is a co-educational, higher secondary, English medium school located in the beautiful serene of AMNS Township.

The lush green surroundings, on the banks of River Tapti, provide an ideal environment for learning. The panoramic campus spreading over 20 acres has state of art facilities with imposing school building, extensive playgrounds, remarkable infrastructure and highly qualified and competent faculty that facilitates world class quality in education.

The school is privileged to be under the patronage of two gigantic multinational conglomerates Arcelor Mittal and Nippon steel.

Through the journey of this glorious institution since its inception in 1994: from having a humble yet pure vision to becoming one of the most trusted platforms wherein children bloom into confident individuals, skilled global citizens possessing grace, poise and dignity. The school believes in creating dexterous members of society who are able to efficiently meet the growing demands of the 21st century contemporary world.

AMNSIS is determined to transfigure an already established impressive school into a metaphorical tap of knowledge to achieve its mission and vision.

Initiate, Ignite and Create

Our Vision

To impart quality education that enhances the intellectual ability of the students to become an economic resource, to mold the young impressionable minds into balanced and responsible citizens with good moral values to face life with grit and self-belief.

Our Mission

The school aims at giving comprehensive education to its pupils which caters to their individual needs and leads to the development in the following spheres:

  • Academic
    Leading to cognitive understanding and application thus preparing them to compete globally.
  • Emotional
    Leading to lateral thinking, decision making, stamina to face challenges, and perseverance.
  • Social
    Imbibing basic values in order to become better human beings who are conscious of their moral and social obligation.
Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

Education - making a life, beyond making a living

When we are young, we innocently embrace the world around us, as it is, without trying to decode or judge its existence and our own capabilities. Birds chirping, children laughing, the autumn wind rustling through trees, a consummate aerodynamic skein of migrating birds, beautiful morning hues in the sky, are all an indispensable part of this bounty of nature. There is a perfect blend and balance of biotic and abiotic elements that help flourish our lives. The environment belongs to all, and a mutual interdependence necessitates an understanding that aids one to survive and succeed in life.

Be it humankind or any other creature, it is natural instincts and the love of parents that teach fledglings to wade through the odds and tough situations in life. As guardians, they protect them, yet expose them to fears, competitions prevailing in nature, so that they can learn to survive and thrive. We, (human beings) in particular, are well known to increase this competition's girth multifold; the competition to be the best in all fields, to attain maximum money, power, resources, position and fame; preparation of which starts way too early in life.

Subconsciously, this leads to many over-expectations and comparison with peers, causing our younger ones low self-esteem and elevated mental stress to perform. We measure their capacities with fixed yard sticks, limit their boundaries and bind their wings which impede them from flying, exploring, and discovering. In the bargain we forget that nature has made everyone unique and special.

Every person has his/her own distinctive strength and potential. What we need to do is to tap their potential and facilitate growth and development. We need to nurture our children in a way that makes them self-reliant, confident and have faith in themselves.

A caterpillar metamorphoses into a beautiful butterfly only once it struggles its’ wings out of the hard cocoon. Being overprotected stunts their limit to soar high. It leads to weak, timid and demoralized individuals. Instead, we need to allow them to sort out their own issues and resolve their own conflicts. We need to guide them to dream high and work towards it, while normalizing failure, and instead, focusing on the importance of trying to stand up again after a fall. As a parent and a teacher, together we need to support, guide and make them aware of the repercussions in case they tend to walk towards the wrong path. Such an individual, for sure, turns out to be a winner and vanquishes completely the disguising layers and hurdles that may come while traversing this journey called life.

We may sometimes tend to push our children to enter the same rat race that we ourselves are perhaps trapped in; one where our entire value system revolves around a capitalistic market, where we turn ourselves into robots by putting in extraneous efforts to mold oneself as per the market tendency. But we never question how we can mold idiosyncratic individuals to reproduce the exact same demanded deliverables. We forget that there are things beyond earning a livelihood; like optimizing one's own intelligence according to the potential one possesses, and character building, which is the mirror of any family, society or country. These things are paramount because they solidify your values, deeply root your culture, instill positive actions and make you just and kind.

Swami Vivekanand quotes, "Samaskars are left by these vibrations passing out of our mind, each one of them leaving its results. Our character is the sum-total of these marks, and according as some particular wave prevails one takes that tone. If good prevails, one becomes good, if wickedness, one becomes wicked, if joyfulness, one becomes happy. We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own field."

By the same token, if we advocate character building more than preaching ways to a comfortable and extravagant life, only then can we create happy homes, satisfied, and passionate individuals. We at AMNS continue to strive towards the betterment of our students so that they can design thinking, be innovative, and responsible for self, and the society. Let our students grow to be healthy, knowledgeable, positive, balanced and above all, HAPPY.

Ms. Sunita Matoo
Principal, AMNS International School, Surat

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